
Mission Ministry Internship

If you're feeling a call from God but don't know where to start, the Mission Ministry Internship may be your first step.

*2024 limited to 10 Students (Starts in April)

What is the Mission Ministry Internship?

The Missions Ministry Internship (MMI) is a year-long program consisting of 30 interactive online lessons (about 8 months)8 weeks of practical missions experience, and a self-funded mission trip.

The course year begins in April after Urbancrest’s annual Missions Conference, which takes place each March in Lebanon, Ohio. The graduates receive their completion certificates at the following year’s Missions Conference. 

This course is designed to help believers as they navigate God’s call on their lives, whether they are led to work in local ministry, full-time missions, or desire to live out the Great Commission in their daily lives.

Course Structure:

Online Class Learning

(30 Lessons, about 8 Months) The classroom learning portion of the internship takes place once a week, in an online format. For the 2024-2025 class, in-class learning and discussion will take place on Sunday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 PM. Class learning and discussion is led by Education Director Bonnie Hailey, Urbancrest Minister of Missions Andrew Trezona, as well as other guest Missionary speakers & Pastors.

Guest Teachers, Missionaries, & Great Books

All included in your tuition!

Ministry Internship

The second part of the internship is the practical application of all that has been learned in class. Each intern will complete a practicum consisting of ministry service hours, This allows interns to put their training into practice immediately and aids each intern as they explore God’s specific call on their life.

Mission Trip

During your internship you will take a 1-2 week self-funded local, national, or international mission trip.

What You Will Learn:

When you graduate you will:

Develop a natural rhythm in your Christian walk that establishes the spiritual DNA and Identity of who you are in Christ.

See missions is for all people at all times. It’s not just about telling, it’s about living.

Through innovative discussion and new ideas you will have an opportunity to experience the joy that comes with digging into Scripture and hearing God speak to you personally through His Word. Listening to God is a solid foundation to see and understand God working.

"Missions isn't far away... It's every day!"

Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!

*2024 limited to 10 Students (Starts in April)